September 26, 2022


Near.U accelerates the adoption of Web3 in Portugal by promoting the “Trade Mission 2022” conference

Near.U accelerates the adoption of Web3 in Portugal
by promoting the “Trade Mission 2022” conference

• “Trade Mission 2022” is an initiative of the Blockchain Netherlands Foundation and takes place on October 6th and 7th in Lisbon, with the closing occurring at MoOngy's headquarters.

• The initiative is in line with Near.U's strategy to solidify decentralized technologies in Portugal.

Lisbon, September 28thNear.U is part of the organization of the Blockchain Netherlands Foundation (BCNL) Trade Mission 2022, taking place in Lisbon on the 6th and 7th of October. This will be an initiative that aims to strengthen ties between Portugal and the Netherlands through panels on the implementation and future of web3 and the creation of networking opportunities between professionals.

One of Near.U's missions is to expand decentralized technologies to different sectors so that it can be used as a competitive advantage. The brand has already associated itself with Offchain events in Portugal – which mobilizes professionals and those interested in Blockchain and decentralized technologies – and is now one of BCNL’s service providers.

“The Web3 market is gaining a global position. We want Portugal to follow this trend and to work regularly in this direction”, says Pedro Aguiar, Senior Business Manager at Near.U. “The Trade Mission to Portugal will play an important role in the evolution of the sector and the establishment of partnerships”.

The initiative starts on October 6th with three panels at Hub Criativo do Beato. The first will be “Start and Scale Web3”, with Gil Azevedo (Startup Lisboa), Nuno Cortesão (Zharta), Rhett Oudkerk (Zaisan), and Ana Goessens (Animo). After lunch, “Making web3 work” will have Nuno Lima Luz (Cuatrecasas, APBC), Pedro Cerdeira (Business Plug), Edgar Kamers (2Tokens), and Kim Schneider (Deloitte) as speakers. The last panel will focus on “What is next in Web3” with Regina Nogueira (Mintbase), Martijn van Schalk (Metaseum), and Bianca Mutsaers (Blockx). The day will end at the Dutch Embassy.

The following day will consist of different activities during the day in Lisbon: exploring coworking spaces, getting acquainted with start-ups, and sightseeing. At 4:00 pm, the participants will travel to MoOngy's headquarters (Rua Sousa Martins, nº10), where the group will learn more about Near.U’s brand and about the Blockbase platform developed by agap2IT. The day will end with some networking opportunities.

Besides Near.U, this initiative also has the support of BCNL, the Government of the Netherlands, the Netherlands Enterprise Agency, the Offchain, the Zaissan, the Hub Criativo de Lisboa, the Portuguese Blockchain Alliance, the Startup Lisboa, and the Portuguese Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies Association, among others.

The Trade Mission now arrives in Lisbon after the last edition took place in 2020 in Berlin. You can find more detailed information at this link. The tickets for the event can be purchased here.

About Near.U
Near.U is a brand specialized in Innovation and Technology services on a remote basis: it is headquartered in Portugal but operates all over the world. It is recognized in the areas of Digital Experiences, Enterprise Application Management, Cloud & Devops, Gaming & Gamification, Big Data & Machine Learning. It is part of the MoOngy group, which has more than 15 years of experience in Engineering and Technology, with a presnce in 14 countries.